2011 Home Plate Heroes Night
2011 Home Plate Recap
Our Home Plate Auction had a new venue and a simplified format in 2011, but the art and the generosity was as abundant as always. Our ticketed event at Dickey-Stephens Park was replaced with an online auction and free reception at the Thea Foundation.
Over 60 creative home plates were displayed at Thea in the Argenta Arts District of North Little Rock for two weeks in October, including the Third Friday Argenta Art Walk. A live auction and reception was held at Thea on Thursday, October 27.
Phil Elson, Voice of the Arkansas Travelers, served as our auctioneer and baseball history teacher and gave us fascinating stories behind the stories of some of the baseball-themed art. SInce our reception was the same night as Game Six of the World Series we cut things a little short. (Not coincidentally, our 2012 auction will be held in September.)
Home Plates not purchased online were sold in a continued silent auction format, and the six listed below were offered in a live auction. Photos of the home plates can be found in the HOME PLATE GALLERY link on our home page.
“Safe@Home” by Bill Bruce
“Let’s Talk Sports” by Jim Jolly
“Cliff Lee Autographed Pinstripes” by Margaret Landfair
“Ray Winder Field” by Laura Raborn
“Honus Wagner” by Jennifer Wilson
Posters of a painting of Ray Winder Field by Laura Brainard Raborn were given as gifts for donations to the Jim Elder Good Sport Fund. Signed posters for $75 donation or unsigned ones for $50 donation.
Thank you very much to all our artists for contributing their hard work and talent. and to our generous friends who opened up their hearts and their wallets to the Jim Elder Good Sport Fund.
All proceeds from the auction go to scholarships and to our Home Plate Heroes, a dozen local nonprofits who do incredible work every day to provide Arkansas students with mentoring, education and opportunities for healthy activities. The full list of our Home Plate Heroes can be found on our home page.
KTHV Craig O'Neill interview with Susan Elder
2011 Home Plate Auction

Home Plate Heroes 2014
Fri April 25 2014
2012 Online Home Plate Auction
Mon September 24 2012
2011 Home Plate Heroes Night
Thu October 27 2011