Paul Eells
Paul Eells, KATV
There are so many wonderful memories and stories that keep Jim in my head almost daily. I still think one of the best took place at Oaklawn on Derby Day. Someone had stolen some small TV equipment during the final days of the meeting. As the Arkansas Derby ended and the Oaklawn meeting was to come to a close, Jim asked G.M. Eric Jackson what the press box was going to do with the leftover brownies that had been brought to the box. Eric told Jim he could have them. “Take
some home to Betty, ” he said.
So Jim lined his briefcase with several of the brownies and prepared to head home. The track had a guard stationed at the elevator to check media members as they headed out because of the previous thefts. When the guard asked Jim to open his briefcase Jim sheepishly obliged. And there, stacked like bricks of gold were the brownies. The guard did a double take, smiled, looked at Jim and said, “Mr. Elder, have a good night, and enjoy.”

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